You know that feeling when a simple photo pops up on your feed, and suddenly you're transported back in time? That happened to me recently as I stumbled upon an image that hit me right in the feels. Nostalgia, they call it.
It was an image of boys and girls out and about, happy as can be. Indulged in the recess of life that came before the beginning of now. It sure was a different time, a time of joy and freedom. Those days, the air was fresher, the sounds were soothing, the sights were greener, and the smell was pleasing, and life was better. How astounding is the power of still images? They can stir up such vibrant memories that have been safely tucked away in a corner of our hearts, unscathed by the trials of life?
Those were the memories we have cherished and kept safe all our lives. The memories of the days we gambolled and capered with our neighbourhood pals. The simple act of encountering the familiar faces always brought forth smiles that exuded from all involved.

Do you remember the early morning rituals? Being woken up by mom and wading into the gifili (washroom) to brush. Freshening up wasn't some dull, boring task, it was filled with thrill, we'd splash water from the well all around the smooth cement floor and slide on it pretending to be a surfer. And mom shouts our name after a while cos it's time for school. She'd comb our hair to perfection, the usual slicked to the side one all our friends had. She'd prepare a breakfast that could rival a five-star meal. And why wouldn't it? After all, it was lovingly made by mom.

Our childhood was a treasure trove of games and sports. From variations of hide and seek to chasing games, football, and traditional games. Never a dull moment in a day, we always had something to do. We were resourceful kids that could even make toys out of anything that was available. We never had to beg mom and dad to buy us something back then, we were our own toy manufacturers.

Remember the adventures back then? The seaside escapades with the neighbourhood friends to collect gola (common periwinkle shells), venturing to the edge of the reef where the waves crashed. The excitement of swimming with all our friends and all those various fun activities was a constant source of joy.

Not even the weather could hinder our enjoyment. No rain could ever ruin our parade back then. Getting drenched in the rain was just as fun as hanging out in the sun. Every puddle on the road back then was a chance for a joyous splash and we loved getting drenched in the drops of soothing happiness.

Festivities like Eid were a time when communities bonded over shared traditions and cultural heritage. One of the most fun occasions apart from the traditional bodumas beynun, koadi kendun, dances and other activities was the Eid Malhi (Eid bonfire); which was a massive fire lit on Eid, drawing crowds to watch its mesmerizing flames.
There is so much to talk about when it comes to the games we played and the fun activities back in the day. Wasn't the scary part coming back home after play? No matter how much we got taught a lesson for being late, we always lost track of time when hanging out with friends.

In the evening between the two prayers Maghrib and Isha, it was the time when everyone sat together and recited aloud the holy Quran. Anyone wandering around the streets would hear the loud and asynchronous, but beautiful recitations of the kids from the whole neighbourhood. It’s a pity how such traditions faded away with the technology that barged into our modern lives.
There are special moments everyone remembers from their childhood. From those moments we spent with friends and siblings that came about the best stories to the moments we made our parents proud. There's always something that takes us back to the good old days. Being adults was what we all must have aspired to be; thinking this life would be awesome. Little did we know that we were spending the best days of our lives in hopes of walking into the other side of the thin veil between the simplicities of childhood and the complexities of adult life.
The images are from the Facebook page, Arts of Siru. These images are a window to a past that shaped the generations of Maldivians before the digital age, which reminds us of who we are today. While we can't turn back time, we can always revisit these memories and smile at the journey we've had.
Tell me about the memories you cherish from your childhood!