About me

Here's a little bit about me.

Latest Post Water under the bridge by Muees Moosa

Well the name's Muees Moosa, yeah... surprise for the ones that know me as Muiz! In Arabic, it's 'مغیث', just for your information. You can still call me Muiz, I prefer the easier version. So, I was born and raised in the beautiful city of Addu, Maldives and been breathing since 14th June 1997. My family is quite big, so I won't bother going over it here.

If you are looking for more professional info on me, please go take a look at my LinkedIn. I haven't given space for such info here, sorry. This site is just a place where I share a part of me that I have hidden for a long time. It kind of lets me accept my imperfections and be more expressive.

Okay, so prepare for a list of words that describe me, some of them can be a bit fancy. I am an Egalitarian (supports equality for all), Feminist, Atelophobe (fear of not being good enough), Tidsoptimist (a person who's habitually late because they think they have more time than they do - mind you I am never late for something I love), Astrophile (loves stars or astronomy), and also a Meliorist (believes the world can be improved with collective human effort). There sure are a lot more words that describe me, but I guess that was enough of learning fancy words for now!

However, if you ask me what word I'd most like to be described as would be a volunteer or social worker! I love to volunteer and I am always excited to help you out on an initiative that would help improve the world. Two organisations that I have always loved volunteering for is the Maldivian Red Crescent and the Juniour Chamber International (Maldives). I'd love to see you go and join one and start doing your part for the world where we live in!

So... I am a friendly person, you just have to take the initiative to start a conversation.

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